In my college psychology class I remember learning about the different types of intelligence. One of those was athletic intelligence and I knew for sure I did not have that type of intelligence. I had never been good at sports (except for tennis - the one sport I enjoyed). In 7th grade I signed up for "Athletics" class because everybody else did (or at least I thought everyone did). The year began with volleyball, next came basketball, and in the spring there was track. I had shown no aptitude for volleyball or basketball, and by the time track season came around, I, my coach, and my classmates had low expectations for my performance - and we were right. I couldn't run fast in the short distances and I couldn't endure the long distances. It was determined I was not a runner and I was given the job of team "manager," which was the glorified name for water and towel girl. Since then, I've tried to run some off and on, but I never liked it. It hurt my knees and it just wasn't fun.
But last year when Ramiro ran the Aramco Half-Marathon in Houston, I became inspired. I thought even if I had to walk it, I wanted to do the 5K in 2012. I wanted to share the fun Ramiro was having and support him at the same time. So this year I began to run a little. Even though its been hard, it hasn't been that bad. Maybe after having 3 babies, things don't just seem as hard as they used to. And maybe my tendons are more flexible now so my knees don't hurt anymore. Whatever it is, I can't believe I'm actually able to do it.
Last week I ran the El Paso Energy 5K while Ramiro ran the half-marathon again. I loved meeting my goal. That's what I like about running. I haven't actually reached the point where I actually enjoy running. What I do love is the challenge. I've also found that running time is also a good time for praying. It seems that God speaks to my heart clearly when I'm running.
I've now completed two 5Ks and am training to run a 10k in February. Tonight I ran 4.5 miles. I can't believe I did that! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would run that far! Am I becoming a runner? I sort of feel like an impostor! I guess what happened in junior high doesn't count. What counts is now...and I'm running!