Friday, April 14, 2017
Our sweet, amazing Luke turned 10 yesterday, and today I ponder all that God has done and is doing in his little life. While sitting in church this morning listening to a sermon about the wonder of God, tears streamed down my face as I realized that I had lost some of the wonder I had about Luke the first time I looked down into his precious face. Life has a way of making you lose your wonder. Lately I have been bogged down with school assignments, sports, birthday party planning, chores, challenging personalities and just overall stress that I have forgotten that I am surrounded by the wonderful.
Psalm 66:5-6 says "come and see the wonders of God; His acts for humanity are awe-inspiring. He turned the sea into dry land, and they crossed the river on foot. There we rejoiced in Him." We actually have our own "parting of the Red Sea" type of miracle in Luke. When Luke was 4 months old we took him for his checkup and the nurse took the regular measurements of his length, weight, and head circumference. When the doctor came in she looked at the chart with big eyes and said, "that can't be right!" She then left the exam room and shortly came back with a tape measure. The doctor then measured Luke's head herself and came up with the same measurement the nurse had first recorded, and said, "oh, that is right." She then asked if big heads run in our family and we both laughed and made a joke of each other having big heads. She continued to ask us questions and realized maybe his head size was of concern, but she wouldn't answer our questions clearly. After the appointment, I left with an uneasy feeling and when I went back to work, started searching medical databases to find out if we needed to be worried about anything. Luke's head had measured in the 20th percentile when he was 2 months old, and now at 4 months, it was measuring in the 90th percentile. I found 2 things it might be which were both very scary to me and called the doctor immediately to confirm my research. Her answer was, "we hope that's not it, but we will keep a close eye." That was a Monday. For the next 3 days I prayed over Luke's head like I have never prayed before. I entrusted his future to God. I prayed Psalm 91 over him many times and continuously prayed that no matter what his life looked like, that he would be able to love God with his whole heart, mind, and soul, and that he would be able to share God's love with others. Three days later we took Luke back to the doctor and even though they acted like we were weird, they patronized us and measured his head again. His head now measured in the 50th percentile. God answered our prayers and changed the size of our little Luke's head. But little did we know then, what we know now - God had answered the most important prayer - Luke loves God with his whole heart, mind, and soul. As soon as Luke could speak, he would pray to God as though he was just having a normal conversation with his father. He thinks deeply, has great spiritual insight, and loves strong. Many times I completely forget this huge miracle in our lives and I become so impatient and frustrated with our day-to-day stuff. In the sermon notes it says, "We have lost sight of wonder not because wonder ceases to exist, but because we are prone to forget." Even with Luke right in front of me, I am prone to forget! Luke is a testimony of the amazing truth that God listens to me and cares, even if all of my prayers aren't answered when or how I would like and I will choose to remember and wonder at my God and my little man Luke.

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